
Suchergebnisse in Normdaten

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Suchergebnisse in Normdaten
Autorisierte Ansetzungsform Art der Ansetzung Datensätze
Advanced Study Institute on Polynomial and Spline Approximation 1978 Calgary, Alberta
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NATO Advanced Study Institute on Polynomial and Spline Approximation 1978 Calgary, Alta.
Polynomial and Spline Approximation 1978 Calgary, Alta.
Advanced Study Institute on Polynomial and Spline Approximation 1978 Calgary, Alta.
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Details Kongressname 1 Titel
AI 15 2002 Calgary, Alberta
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Details Kongressname 1 Titel
CGI 36. 2019 Calgary
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Computer Graphics International Conference 36. 2019 Calgary
CGI Conference 36. 2019 Calgary
CGI'19 Unveraenderte Form
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Details Kongressname 1 Titel
Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Methods 4 2004 Calgary, Alberta
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Conference on the Theory of Approximation, with Applications 1975 Calgary, Alberta
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Conference on the Theory of Approximation 1975 Calgary
Theory of Approximation 1975 Calgary
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Graphics Interface Conference 28 2002 Calgary, Alberta
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GI 28 2002 Calgary, Alberta
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ICITS 3 2008 Calgary, Alberta
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International Conference on Information Theoretic Security 3 2008 Calgary, Alberta
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IH 12 2010 Calgary, Alberta
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Information Hiding Conference 12 2010 Calgary, Alberta
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International Conference on Combinatorial Structures and Their Applications 1969 Calgary, Alberta
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Calgary International Conference on Combinatorial Structures and Their Appliations 1969 Calgary
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SAC 16 2009 Calgary, Alberta
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Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography 16 2009 Calgary, Alberta
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SAC 25. 2018 Calgary
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Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography 25. 2018 Calgary
International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography 25. 2018 Calgary
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Seminar on Global Analysis 1978 Calgary, Alberta
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Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures 21 2009 Calgary, Alberta
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Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures 21 2009 Calgary, Alberta
ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures 21 2009 Calgary, Alberta
SPAA 21 2009 Calgary, Alberta
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Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing 28 2009 Calgary, Alberta
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PODC 28 2009 Calgary, Alberta
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing 28 2009 Calgary, Alberta
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Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing 5 1986 Calgary, Alberta
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